
Booking redeemer

components booking booking-redeemer


This widget represents a selector to choose one of the current existing bookings to reedem for a new one. This is located inside the booking steps.

w-booking-redeemer Booking Redeemer


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As there's no consumer using HBS, it's considered not needed for now.

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Booking redeemer modal title

Here is shown the description that applies to the booking redeemer modal.

Let's change the package selected

Due to the corona issues Sunweb allows you to easily change the holidays you already booked for a new one with any extra cost, you will only pay in case your new vacations are more expensive than the ones you already booked. And don’t worry if your new package is cheaper than the one you already have, Sunweb will send yo a new voucher or a refound with the difference! You only have to click on your reservation on the list below and the system will automaticaly exchange the full amount you payed or agreed to pay, and discount in the current reservation.

  • Sunweb will assume the costs
  • Our stuff will help all the journey
  • Travel with garanties

Your available bookings to redeem

Hotel Azuline Bergantin

Paid amount
  • 7 June - 18 August 2019
  • 2 adults, 1 child
  • Booking Number: JFK342ED

Hotel Occidental Margaritas

Paid amount
  • 12 June - 22 August 2019
  • 2 adults
  • Booking Number: JFK342ED22
You should select a reservation to redeem and move your deposit to your new booking
w-booking-redeemer Booking Redeemer with one selected


No Handlebars template available

As there's no consumer using HBS, it's considered not needed for now.

Enable development mode to check the available JS template.

w-booking-redeemer Booking Redeemer with booking disabled


No Handlebars template available

As there's no consumer using HBS, it's considered not needed for now.

Enable development mode to check the available JS template.

w-booking-redeemer Booking Redeemer not paid


No Handlebars template available

As there's no consumer using HBS, it's considered not needed for now.

Enable development mode to check the available JS template.


Booking redeemer modal title

Here is shown the description that applies to the booking redeemer modal.

Let's change the package selected

w-booking-redeemer Booking Redeemer without bookings


No Handlebars template available

As there's no consumer using HBS, it's considered not needed for now.

Enable development mode to check the available JS template.
