
Personal Details Edit

widget booking selfservice edit


The personal details edit allows to edit the personal details of a participant in a booking.




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w-personal-details-edit type baby

Fields distribution and visibility are configured per participant type. Usual participant types are mainbooker, adult, child and baby, but possible values are up to the form settings and type parameter.


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w-personal-details-edit not editable fields

In some cases some fields are not editable due to some services of the booking or time restrictions.



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w-personal-details-edit error when loading

If there is an error when building the form, we notify the user with an inline message. This can happen if configuration for the widget is wrong, for instance no booking number or participant id is provided or the settings for fields are unreadable; or there was an error retrieving the data for current booking.


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Something unexpected occurred while saving your changes. Please try it again later.

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w-personal-details-edit unexpected error when saving

If there is an unexpected error when saving, we notify the user with a modal.



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Something unexpected occurred while saving your changes. Please try it again later.

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w-personal-details-edit error when saving not updatable booking

If there is an error when saving because booking cannot be updated, we notify the user with a modal.



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w-personal-details-edit phones with rare data

In the ideal scenario, a participant has two phone numbers: one of type mobile and one of type emergency. There are some edge cases that we support, that happen basically for bookings that are old or modified manually.


  • Multiple phone numbers of the same type, mobile or emergency. In this case we enable edition for all of them.
  • Sometimes the phone numbers do not have the country prefix (ie: "+31" or "0031") and start only with "0", then we assume the country is the first of the dropdown configured and we automatically add the prefix.
  • For phone numbers that are neither mobile or emergency, we show them as mobile. For example, deprecated types Private and Fax.

In the example below, the second field of each phone type only have "0" before the number.


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w-personal-details-edit external editable

Sometimes, for instance when booking has external flights, some fields are not editable through self-service and need external intervention (call CC).

In this case, the fields are disabled and a warning is shown on top.

